Jodo Links

Planeta_02[1]jojutsu (2)

Previous Interviews with Nishioka Sensei

Nishioka Sensei and the Pure Flow of the Jo – by Wayne Muromoto

Uchidachi & Shidachi – by Nishioka Tsuneo

Other Articles

Jodo by Pascal Kreiger – arguably the best non-Japanese language reference of jodo.

The Evolution of Classical Jojutsu – by Dave Lowry

Muso Gonnosuke and the Shinto Muso-ryu Jo – by Wayne Muromoto

Wikipedia entry- Shinto Muso-ryu

A Brief History of ZKR Jodo – Quite detailed history and lineage of SMR Jodo, by Kim Taylor.

Jodo Links

Shelby's Jodo Page – lots of jodo links

Pan American Jo Federation – Phil Relnick

European Jodo Federation – Pascal Krieger

Rembuden Institute – Brisbane, Australia.

The Aikido Institute – Palmwoods, Australia.

Jodo Seiryukai Sydney

Jodo in Turkey  – Ahmet Kösoğlu Shibumi dojo – Ahmet Kösoğlu

Jodo in Czechoslovakia

Other Jodo Information and Interesting Reading at

Other Links

Daniel Lee's Kobudo Page – Koryu Bujutsu in Australia

Aikikai Aikido – Some of us do this…

Nosyuiaido – fine sword store – Site for Koryu by Wayne Muromoto

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